Friday, February 7, 2014

Double Take

In a recent article entitled "7 Things Republicans Would be Shocked to Learn About Ronald Reagan," the political blog ThinkProgress addressed some interesting connections between the former Republican President Reagan and the current Democrat President Obama. Author Zack Beauchamp wrote about a few things that Reagan did during his presidency that the current tea party representatives would not agree with and are shockingly similar to things President Obama has done thus far during his presidency. Among these things are the similarities in health care initiatives, immigration laws, weapons bans, government spending and taxation. While one could spend time trying to argue on the validity of these statements, I think it brings to light an important issue. Whether you classify yourself as Democrat, Republican, or whatever you so choose; it is necessary to remember not to dislike or disagree with someone solely based on their political association. I find that many people dislike Obama simply because he is a Democrat, or even just because he's Obama. In today's world, we get too caught up in labeling things. We need to remember to take each situation as it comes and assess accordingly and in an educated fashion! Thanks for reading!

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