Friday, March 28, 2014

Can you feel the love?

I was married once. Many bitter divorcees would tell you, “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be.” Who are we to deny same sex couples the same right to a lifetime of “ball and chain” misery? Seriously though, all humor aside, why not? Because it’s unconstitutional? Ok, let’s just whip out the constitution of the United States of America and show everyone the section that states marriage is between a woman and a man so we can end this debate right now. Oh, wait, there’s nothing in the constitution about marriage? Hmmm… that’s weird.

One argument would be that we should make an amendment and put it in the constitution. Well, there’s just one… or really a few things wrong with that. Generally amendments are made to the constitution to protect people. We can’t add an amendment that is literally designed to oppress an entire group of people. We added the thirteenth amendment to abolish slavery. We added the fifteenth amendment to ensure that people would not be discriminated against because of color in regards to voting. We added the nineteenth amendment to extend the right to vote to women. The list goes on. After all of these steps forward, why on earth would we take a million steps backward and add an amendment that would literally deny the rights of certain people?

There are many other arguments out there against gay marriage. Some would say that the Bible prohibits it. I’m going to avoid the discussion on the different interpretations of what the Bible says, but I will mention the fact that we are supposed to have a separation of church and state. Whatever your beliefs are, that is not the issue. The issue is that religion is not supposed to factor into our legislation. Another aspect is that homosexuality has been somehow linked with things such as incest, pedophilia and even bestiality. From a strictly legislative standpoint, this is absolutely ridiculous. As a student pursuing a career in law enforcement, one thing has been made very clear; it is about CONSENT. Pedophilia and bestiality are (other than the moral conflict,) about one of the parties NOT consenting to the activity. THAT is what makes them obscene and illegal. In my opinion, you absolutely cannot compare these things as same sex couples are two consenting adults. If all parties involved are consenting, then there is no one that needs protection from it. There is no victim here, other than the people whose rights are being oppressed.

To put a fun little spin on such a heated topic, let’s add a little humor. Here is a link to a lovely video that should put things into perspective. (Caution; contains explicit language)  Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends

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