Friday, April 11, 2014

Tasteless Machine

I have decided to write a commentary on the most recent post from my classmate Jonathan Russel on his blog Tasteless Machine.  He also decided to write a post on same sex marriage, but I found it interesting because we have opposing points of view. I would like to start by saying that I am a strong believer in the fact that everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinion and I respect yours. If this is what you believe in, it is absolutely your right. However the issue at hand is not whether or not same sex marriage is right or wrong. Whether it is a matter of religion or opinion, the issue is whether it should be legal in the United States. I personally have a strong support for the separation of church and state. This is one of the reasons people fled from England to what would become the United States, to enjoy the freedom to practice whatever religion they chose. That is one of the things that make this country what it is, the freedom. 
One thing you mention in your article is that a same sex marriage could never go through the natural things your marriage to your wife goes through. I strongly disagree with this statement. One thing I have found, is that most relationships are the same, whether they are between a man and wife,  a wife and wife, a husband and husband, a father and daughter, a sister and brother, friendships, and even roommates. There are always ups and downs. There are always rough times. But there is also always love. My friends who are females and I go through similar things that a romantic couple would go through. We fight, we make up, and we have fun together. The point I am trying to get at here, is that EVERY relationship, no matter what kind it is, has the same complex.
Another thing you bring up in your article is that same sex couples getting married makes your marriage to your wife feel disrespected. What I take from this is to mean that you feel it makes your marriage not mean as much as it did before same sex marriage. I personally believe that your marriage certificate holds whatever value you and your wife place in it. If the two of you have a strong relationship with each other and highly value the fact that you are married, I believe that is all a person should need. Same sex couples’ getting married has no effect on your relationship with your wife. Your marriage certificate doesn't hold any less value. 

It is clear that your opinion on same sex marriage being wrong stems from your core beliefs, particularly your religious ones. So what I say to you is, if you are doing what you believe to be right and you are comfortable and confident in your relationship with your God, then that (in my opinion) should be enough. Why judge them and restrict their rights as human beings entitled to them by the very foundation of this country? Like I said in my article, these people are not doing anything to harm anyone. They are consenting adults. The things we have that are illegal, are illegal because of the fact that someone is doing something to someone else or their property that they did not consent to. I understand that this is a crime in your book, just like adultery is in mine. However, it is not a crime. Just because I think that adultery is wrong, does not mean it should be illegal. 
          So, I hope you read this article and at least just try to see the other side's point of view. I am not trying to change your beliefs or tell you, you are wrong. I am just trying to help you understand the point of view, just as I understand yours. 

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